First, let me highlight why people don’t take first aid programs seriously; here are some of the common reasons as to why they think first aid training is not essential to them:

  • They have a busy schedule throughout the year.
  • They lack knowledge about where they can find the first aid training courses.
  • Some people think they already have enough knowledge hence no need for first aid training.
  • They assume accidents happen to others and not them, their families, or their friends.
  • If you happen to ask individuals who have already taken the first aid program, here are some of the common reasons they gave as to why first aid training is worth taking.

Why first aid training is important

Here is a list of reasons as to why first aid training is essential:

  • It helps save lives

Having first aid knowledge helps save lives, that’s true. But it is not enough to have first aid knowledge, what is essential is giving appropriate first aid to those who need immediate help to save a life. It can reduce recovery time and mitigate between a patient having a temporary disability and long term disability. There are basics you will learn while handling a patient like keeping calm and being concentrated while handling an emergency. People without first aid training may cause mayhem and worsen the situation instead of providing interim help to those who need assistance. Keeping calm helps you concentrate and recall the acronyms of the steps required of you to undertake to save a life. Having first aid knowledge equips you to be confident and comfortable while handling an emergency and help you regain control and take charge of assisting the patient without fear.

  • First aid knowledge enables you to increase the patient’s comfort.

Not all injuries or illnesses require you to go to the hospital, but it doesn’t mean the patient is comfortable and does not feel any pain. Your first aid skills can be instrumental in reducing pain and increasing the comfort of a patient. A child for example with bruises on their elbow can feel a lot of pain and suffering but knowing how to handle and act in such situations can offer relief and comfort to the patient before they arrive at the hospital for specialized treatment. Simple actions like applying a bag of ice packs correctly or applying proper bandaging will reduce pain and discomfort in a child. By keeping calm during such situations will assure them of their safety and offer emotional support that nothing looks too bad in the situation they are in and reduce their anxiety levels.

  • It equips you with the knowledge to prevent situations from worsening.

In some cases, if patients do not receive first aid, the situation may deteriorate or even lead to death for no first aid assistance. Providing basic first aid can help save a life or reduce the chances of the patient dying. Even when the first aid kit is not within reach, you will have the right knowledge to improvise household tools to cope with any emergency. As a first aid provider, you are taught how to collect data that the first team of medical responders will base on while providing emergency treatment to the patient.

  • It encourages people to live healthily and safely

The knowledge you receive during first aid training by is how to take care of yourself and put safety as a priority.

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